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Thursday, December 31, 2009

The Ultimate 100th Blog

Aaaaaaaaaahhh... here it is. My 100th blog. I had to do 18 blogs in one month and three blogs on one day to finish it, but there it is. Right now I'm watching M*A*S*H episodes and doodling. So here's one of every feature that I have, in honor of my 100th blog:
Today's TOPIC OF INTEREST is... Old TV Shows! I've gotten really into shows like M*A*S*H and Seinfeld. There. That's my TOPIC OF INTEREST. That was abnormally easy.
My pearl of anti-wisdom: if at first you don't succeed, stick your head in an oven.
My BETTER KNOW A SPECIES: Dipwads. Dipwads are people who, purposely, do a stupid thing over and over. I know several people like this. A Dipwad doesn't always know what they're doing is stupid, though, as proved by the Bush Years.
My BETTER KNOW A CARTOONIST: Mort Drucker, who works for MAD Magazine! Mort usually does a black-and-white spoof of a TV show or a movie. He's been with MAD for about 50 years. As a tribute to this, the usual gang of idiots used Drucker's name in their spoof of Harry Potter #6, in which they called Lord Voldemort Lord Druckermort. Here's a pic:

That's Mort's depiction of Tom Richmond, another MAD cartoonist.
DUDE, WHERE'S MY DIGNITY: Today we have... MY DAD!
On Thanksgiving, we were over at my grandpa's friend's house, and there were some teenagers there. I'm only 12 years old, so I was trying to act all cool. They were sitting there texting and I was trying to act all cool; they were only a little bit older than me. But then dad says: 'So, what are you doing? Just hanging out?' I was mortally embarrassed.
That's it. My 100th blog. I can't do ERT ERT ERT BIG SPOILER ALERT because I haven't seen a movie recently, and I can't do MASTER PLAN since I don't have a genius fix to a world problem at the moment.
I'll blog you soon
P.S.--- This was completed at 11:50 p.m.--- so there you are! 100 blogs before the year is out!!!

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