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Wednesday, December 23, 2009

The Secrets Behind 'G-Force_Ratings'...

Oh, my god!!! I just realized!!! If I do more than one post a day for a couple days, I can do 100 blogs before the new year!!! I hate doing more than one blog on one day, but I have to, for the sake of G-Force_Ratings.
Many of you are probably wondering why I called my blog G-Force_Ratings. Well, the 'G' not only stands for my name, Graham (which can also be written as a circled 'G'), but it also stands for the word 'go'. Go-Force is the second edition of a novel series I am writing about three alien brothers, a buglike dude with a gas mask, a maniacal blue lawn gnome, a six-armed bartender, a grouchy old guy who kills people, a pasty dude with a dot on his forehead, and some orange guy with two tentacles coming off his head. Wow, sounds like something worthy of a MAD Magazine parody. If that's a bad thing. I'm not sure. As you may have guessed, Go-Force is my personal favorite edition to the series, which is why I named my blog after it. See?? It comes full circle!!!
The nine books in the series are:
- Galaxy (the series is named after this book).
- Go-Force
- Bloodstain Joe (named after the main character).
- The Powersource Battles (which is a crappy book. But when it's published, buy it anyway).
- Freeworld
- Squad Nine
- Apocalypse
- Infinite Empire
- Joe Galaxy
I have, however, not gotten much headway on writing them. I don't even know if the final drafts will be books, graphic novels, or what. I've only written Go-Force, Bloodstain Joe, and part of Freeworld. Ouch. I just wanted to do the best first. Next will be Squad Nine.
And, of course, the '_Ratings' part of my blog's title was made on a whim when I decided I would use this blog to talk about what movies you should go see, food you should eat, kind of like the New York Times. If I did this, I might right now be the most respected critic in my hometown of San Anselmo. Or, I could decide to use it to tell you about some random books about aliens that I'll probably never get around to writing.
The choice was simple.
I'll blog you soon.

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