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Sunday, December 5, 2010

Bad Acting Island

Update: with this post, I have six more until I hit my goal of 200 blogs! But I refuse to go over 200, meaning that if I did all six more today, I wouldn't blog again until the year was out. I want to keep this as orderly as possible.
I finally saw The Graduate, and right from the beginning, I was wondering why it was rated PG. Mom said it was because back then everyone was a little more tolerant of those kinda things than they are now. I could tell it wasn't going to go well for Dustin Hoffman as soon as Mrs Robinson took off her clothes. Yeek.
Never mind. Let's get off that topic, SHALL WE?
We were forced to go to another school play this year. Every December, the Ross Valley School District puts on a play at the San Anselmo Public Theatre. There are plays for practically every grade level. Here's the breakdown of schools:
Wade Thomas: A small school in San Anselmo, grades K-5
Manor: School in Fairfax, just down the street from my school, White Hill. Grades K-5
Brookside Lower Campus & Brookside Upper Campus: Formerly one school, so many people enrolled in Brookside that the school had to split. Lower (K-2) is in San Anselmo, while Upper (3-5) is back in a part of San Anselmo called Sleepy Hollow, where no house costs less than a million bucks.
White Hill Middle School: Or as I like to call it, The California Academy of Doom and Gloom. Grades 6-8.
Anyway, every campus but White Hill puts on its own play. White Hill used to have just one play for the whole school, but since there were so many kids, it now puts on one play for every grade. This year, the seventh grade play was 'Treasure Island'.
I have to say this for that play: I stayed much more awake than any other. During my last year at Brookside Upper, the school put on 'Tik-Tok of Oz'. The person who played the Tik-Tok dude was this girl with an extremely quiet voice. The people in the front rows could hear her if they leaned forward REALLY far. And don't get me started on last year's production of 'High School Musical'.
The playhouse is also really dusty. You wouldn't know it when you walk in, but it must have five tons of dust floating in the air. You can see it when the stage lights come on and expose the swirling dust in the air.
All through the play, I made snide comments with one of my friends. At the point where my occasional friend, occasional rival died from a coconut in the head, we all cheered. Of course, he must have thought we were cheering for his performance. And I don't care WHAT he says, getting clonked on the head with a plastic coconut and falling off a fake stage pirate ship onto a hardwood floor has GOT to hurt.

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