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Saturday, March 19, 2011

Completely APauled

I just saw the best movie ever.
It's called Paul (you may not have heard of it), and it's about two british nerds who go to Comic-con in San Diego, then, while traveling through Area 51 on a road trip, they meet an alien named Paul. I don't want to spoil this for anyone, so I will offer up some overview in invisible ink. If you want some spoilers, highlight the following blank space with your cursor. I will warn you, though, it's somewhat raunchy. You've been warned.
The two guys are, as I said, from the UK, and together created a comic book about a green woman with three boobs. Yeah, that's right. After they meet Paul, dozens of movie references start showing up; at the end, they send Paul back home at Devil's Tower. Interestingly enough, one of the British guys is named Graham.
Also, they meet up with a devout Christian who, as soon as she sees Paul, has a total spasm and starts singing 'Amazing Grace'. Soon enough, she realizes that evolution is not a myth (but it took Paul's memory infusion to do it). There's another reason why this is the best movie ever.
Some funny quotes:
Other guy: (faints after seeing Paul for the first time).
Graham: What did you do to him?
Paul: He fainted.
Graham: But you... you MADE him faint!
Paul: Look, it's not like I set my phaser on 'faint'.
Graham: You have a phaser?!?!?!

Throughout the movie, people see the cover of their comic book and repeatedly say (and I type this ONLY because it was a direct quote from the movie): 'Three tits. Awesome'. At the end, an alien lands a ship to pick up Paul, and Paul hands him the comic. The alien then says this line in some bizarre Klingon-esque language.
Speaking of languages, here's another quote series:
Graham: How do you speak english?
Paul: What do you mean?
Graham: Do you speak through a voice box, or in some sort of telepathic mind-absorbing thing?
Paul: No, I just SPEAK ENGLISH, you dumbf***!
Okay, phew. That stuff got pretty nasty. Well, if you want to go see it, I don't blame you. It's freakin' awesome.

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